Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Almost Amish-Style Kettle Corn

Oh yeah, kettle corn! An Amish couple taught me how to make this. You can make it on the stove, grill, or campfire, just make sure you use a LARGE POT WITH A LID! The amount in this recipe will certainly get you through a good movie.


2 Tablespoons canola oil
1/2 cup popcorn
sugar to taste (I suggest using 1 Tablespoon for your first batch to see if it's enough)
salt to taste

Heat the oil and three kernels of popcorn in a LARGE pot with a LID. When the kernels begin to pop, add the rest of the popcorn, sugar, and a large pinch of salt. Shake the pot around as the kernels pop so that they do not burn and the sugar and salt are evenly distributed. When the kernels sound like they are no longer popping remove the pot from the heat. Allow to sit for a minute to make sure that no more pop when you open the lid.

Transfer hot popcorn to a large bowl and sprinkle with additional salt, if you choose. Best served hot!

**This is almost Amish-style because they also use butter flavoring. They add this when they add the popcorn and sugar.